Thursday, May 3, 2012

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

Brian and I have talked a lot about our sincere intention to simply allow Rhys to be who he is.  We hope to do our best to present him with different opportunities in life, but ultimately let him choose what he likes and wants.

But there is one exception.  We really hope that Rhys likes to read so we're going to encourage/push it as much as we can.  (Well, actually, there's another exception.  Brian really hopes that Rhys likes trains.  I have no idea why.)  Right now when we read to Rhys he's mostly interested in grabbing at the book and trying to put it in his mouth.  I'll admit, that can be a little frustrating, but I have decided to take it as an early sign of his love of books. 

Brian has been further fostering Rhys' love of reading by giving him magazines and newspapers.  I came home one day to find the latest edition of The Economist pretty well crumpled and torn.  This made me quite happy for several reasons.  First, as with eating books, I take it as a sign of Rhys' interest in reading.  Second, I generally find The Economist to be boring so I felt it deserved Rhys' love/abuse.  Third, our house is overflowing with magazines (thanks Gramma and Grandpa Wynne) so its demolished state was a good excuse to recycle it. 

Today, after he was done with it, Brian let Rhys enjoy the newspaper:

Hmm, what's going on in the world today?

All done I destroy!

Me and my dad.  He's the best.

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