Monday, May 7, 2012

Heels of Steel

Rhys is destined to either be a soccer player or swimmer.  He kicks his little legs nearly non-stop.  In this video, you can't see his legs, but just know they are powering the motion.

The kicking itself surprises me (where's the snuggly little baby I ordered?), but what really gets me is how unfazed he is by whatever it is he's kicking.  He uses the same velocity whether in his chair, on the floor, or in the bathtub.  Wood and porcelain be damned, the kid has got heels of steel.  He'll often kick his crib mattress or the slats when he first goes down or first wakes up and it is loud!  As Brian said today, it's like he's playing a bass guitar in his room.

Heaven help us when he starts using those legs to propel himself.  We will be chasing after him endlessly.

As an aside, Brian has a weird thing about "eating" wood...he will not eat any food on a stick and it even wigs him out to watch someone else partake.  Yet he's the one who gave Rhys that wooden spoon to play with.  A father's selfless loves triumphs over the wood-in-the-mouth heebie-jeebies.

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