Monday, April 30, 2012

Spic n Span

We had another great weekend.  We got to hang out with our sweet, smart, fun niece Norah on Friday night.  We visited friends on both Saturday and Sunday.  Brian took a long nap on Saturday, I took one on Sunday.  I went out to dinner with a friend on Saturday night.  Rhys slept well both nights.  The weather was decent.

All good things.  What was great, though, was what didn't happen.  We didn't clean the house.  And why?  Because we hired cleaners to do it.  Perhaps this makes us fancy.  Perhaps this makes us lazy.  Perhaps this makes us snobby.  I do not care.  I loved coming home on Thursday evening to a clean house and I really loved not having to clean on the weekend. 

Our house is small, yes.  But our free time together is even smaller.  I see Rhys so little during the week and soon the same will be true for Brian.  We figure if we can free up even just a few hours to allow for more quality time with Rhys, why not.  When he's older we'll put him to work and all clean house together.  For now, we're going to enjoy letting someone else do it.  

And here's a cute picture of Rhys that has nothing to do with this posting.  I figure I can entice folks to continue visiting our blog and reading my writing if there's always the promise of a cute picture.

1 comment:

  1. Hiring cleaners to do the job for you shouldn’t make you feel snooty, haha! These people are highly skilled at what they do. They can get to the places that you can’t, and have various techniques of cleaning even the things or spots of a room that you’ve given up hope on! Besides, some people don’t have time to do their own cleaning because they are busy, and that’s where the cleaning businesses come in. They’re pretty prolific because it’s easy to start a cleaning business, since the demand for them is pretty high nowadays.

    Tyler Perkins
