Monday, May 21, 2012

Six Months

Today was Rhys' six-month doctor check-up.  I look forward to these visits because we get to see how much Rhys is growing and I dread them because of the vaccines.  So, the good stuff first...

Weight:  18lbs, 2.5oz (62nd percentile)
Height:  27.5" (84th percentile)
Head circumference:  46cm (94th percentile)

With a head that big, is it any surprise that the kid gets tired and frustrated in tummy time?

We got kuddos from the doctor on the long stretches Rhys is sleeping at night.  I'd love to show you a picture of him performing this wonderful feat (he looks so precious in his little pj's snuggled up with Lamby) but of course I won't let Brian anywhere near our sleeping angel with a camera for fear of waking him.  Brian did manage, though, to snap this sweet sleeping pic when we arrived at the doctor's office today. 

And, yeah, Rhys is no lightweight. We've continued our effort around solids and he's making great progress, so I don't imagine he'll be thinning out anytime soon.  Well, actually, if he has to fight Elliott for his meals, he might.

Then there are the vaccines.  A liquid taken orally and three shots.  Painful for Mom, Dad and Rhys - the cute band-aids are little consolation.

All-in-all, though, a great check-up.  We're are so lucky and so very, very grateful for this happy, healthy baby. 

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