Thursday, May 10, 2012

A Rant and Some Giggles

Parenthood has given me a new found respect for insomniacs.  I feel so incredibly sorry for anyone who struggles with this terrible affliction.  Rhys woke up to eat last night at 3:15 and he went back to sleep afterwards just fine.  I was not so lucky.  My first mistake was allowing my brain to wake up and start thinking.  Bad idea.  Terrible.  Once my brain gets going, it's hard to slow it down.  I must make a concerted effort to just not think while feeding Rhys.  It's a meditation of sorts.  My second mistake was rocking Rhys for a bit after he finished eating.  His nightime feedings are the only time he's motionless (and therefore snuggly), so it's quite hard to resist the urge to sit and enjoy it for a bit!  Last night I was powerless and the cost of cuddles was no more sleep for mama.

Of course I tried to fall back asleep.  And every minute that ticked by left me more frustrated and upset.  I should have just gotten up, but I didn't want to let the insomnia win.  (Yes, I realize how ridiculous that sounds).  Rhys has permanently changed my life in a lot of ways, but I am determined to not let sleep be one of them.  I will regain my champion sleeper status.    

Now that I've indulged myself in the woe-is-me sleep rant of the week, here's a series of hilarious self-portraits that Brian took the other day.

 How cute are these boys!?!

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