Sunday, May 13, 2012

Week in Review: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

The Good
So many good things to report...

Brian and Rhys spent Thursday with Gramma and Grandpa Wynne.

(Complete tangent, but I must tell this funny story.  We recently babysat our brilliant four-year-old niece Norah and at one point we asked her a question about Gramma and Grandpa Wynne.  Her response? "Who are those guys?"  She knows her grandparents very well but, obviously, does not refer to them as Gramma and Grandpa Wynne.  They are Gramma Mary Pat and Gaga John.  Duly noted.)

Anyway...Brian and Rhys spent the day with them in order to 1) get out of the house since the cleaners were coming (yay!) and, more importantly, 2) help celebrate their wedding anniversary.  I can never remember how long they've been married, but it's somewhere in the realm of forever and a day.  Even more impressive is that they still like each other.  Happy Anniversary Gramma and Grandpa Wynne!

Today is my first Mother's Day and it was made all the more special by the presence of Auntie Audrey and Uncle Damiao.  They just popped by, as they do more often than most would expect, on their way from Shanghai to Denver.  We are always happy to see them and grateful for the effort they make to visit.  You'd think I'd have a nice picture of them with Rhys, but no.  Instead, I have a nice picture of the three of us that Damiao took...

Rhys is rolling over like a champ.  Well, from back to belly that is.  Once he gets on his belly, more often than not, he's stuck.  And he's not too happy about it.  I actually don't think he's that interested in getting back on his belly.  I think he just wants to make forward motion, so I wouldn't be surprised if he starts crawling before he figures out how to roll back on his belly.

The Bad
My boss resigned and her last day was Friday.  I thoroughly enjoyed working with her and I will miss her a lot.   

The Ugly
We finally executed our months-in-the-making plan to feed Rhys solids.  And?  Not a fan.  He enjoys sucking on food well enough, but to actually have food in his mouth with the intention of consumption?  Um, no thanks.  See his cute/ugly face for yourself...

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