Thursday, April 26, 2012

Feed Me

In the last week or two, Rhys has really made the connection that bottle = food.  Previously, he'd see the bottle and be fairly indifferent.  Nowadays?  He knows what's in there and he is psyched!  He reaches out for it, makes cute noises of excitement and opens his little mouth as wide as it will go.  Check it out...

Rhys' excitement for food is extending beyond the bottle to table.  We haven't fed him any solids yet, but he will clearly be ready soon.  Maybe not soon enough, in his opinion.  When we eat with him in our laps, he reaches for our food and, frankly, seems a little ticked that he's not getting any.  We've let him suck on a few different things, which he's seemed to enjoy, but the tiny bit of scrambled egg we gave him did not go over well at all.  The look on his face was priceless.  I was surprised he had such a strong reaction to egg given that he barely batted an eye when he sucked on a pickle spear. 

When Rhys is ready for solids (we're waiting for his six month b-day and a little more head control), Brian and I are going to eschew conventional "wisdom" and skip the rice cereal.  We're planning to give him an avocado, perhaps even guacamole.  That will be a fun and messy day.       

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