Monday, April 16, 2012

Proud Papa

Rhys has been working on his rolling skills.  Awhile ago (you know, like a whole month ago) he rolled from his belly to his back.  He only did it a handful of times and more than anything it seemed to simply be a function of his big head (90th percentile) throwing him off balance during tummy time (so he ended up on his back).  More recently, though, he's been rolling from back to his tummy and this has been very intentional.  The problem is, once he gets on his belly he starts grunting and is annoyed that he's there and confused as to how he got there.  Today, though, was different.  Proud Papa Brian called me mid-morning to report that Rhys made it from back to belly to back.  Yeah, Rhys!

Rhys' friend Milena is about two weeks older than his is, but she has been rolling for awhile now.  She's pretty advanced.  She and her mom Monique (who happens to be a friend of ours) visited awhile back and the two babies enjoyed some time on the play mat.

Rhys:  Don't you hate tummy time?  It's so hard.  Not to mention, I feel so exposed.  Can't my parents buy me some clothes that fit?  Or at least raid my friend Noah's closet again?

Milena:  I think tummy time is great.  It helps that I'm pocket-sized.  Also, as soon as I get tired I just roll onto my back.  Watch me.

Rhys:  Whoa!  How'd you do that?

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