Sunday, April 22, 2012

Oh Happy Day

What a wonderful day.  I'd like to say that my cheery personality causes me to say those words at the end of every day, but that would be a lie.  I do try and find things in each day to be grateful for, but sometimes it can be an effort.  Today, was effortless.  Today, my gratitude cup runneth over...

1.  Brian.  He's always at the top of my list.  Even on my worst days, I am incredibly grateful to have such a loving, compassionate and caring husband.

2.  Rhys.  "Bundle of joy" is a phrase thrown around a lot in the context of newborns.  Those wee little newborns are sweet and all, but they've got nothing on 5-month olds.  Rhys is truly a bundle of joy.

3.  The kindness and humor of strangers.  Today we went out for lunch and as we were finishing up a lovely couple approached us and said, "We just wanted to say we're so sorry you have such an ugly baby.  He's hideous to look at and is clearly unhappy too."

4.  Colorful flowers (and the man who planted them).  Our yard is bursting with gorgeous tulips and it makes me so happy every time I look at them.  And who planted them?  Brian, of course.  I know I already mentioned him, but he's worth mentioning again.


5.  Sunshine!  The weather was gorgeous today.  Sun makes me so very, very happy.  Not to be greedy, but I hope this summer brings many more days like today.  We put Rhys in shorts and he looked adorable. 

6.  My health.  As many of you know, recovering from Rhys' delivery has been a rough road for me.  I *finally* feel like I've turned a corner.  I'm not 100% yet, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  I even did a workout DVD tonight which felt great.

7.  Alcohol.  My post-workout treat was a Strongbow (hard cider).  I've found that alcohol makes the bad days bearable and the good days that much better - a win-win!  (I'm actually not an alcoholic, despite what that last sentence may seem to indicate.)  

8.  Sleep.  No posting of mine would be complete without a mention of sleep.  Rhys is sleeping well, which means we're all sleeping well.  I even managed a nap today.  And while Rhys and I slept, Brian did the grocery shopping.  Have I told you how grateful I am for that man?

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