Thursday, August 2, 2012

So Cute

It's been a long week and I'm pretty tired, but I did think it was important to get on here and say this:  Damn our baby is cute!!  Watching him crawl makes me grin from ear to ear, as does hearing him babble.  His chubby cheeks are adorable, but it's his hair that has me swooning these days.  It sticks straight up pretty much all the time.  We call him our mad scientist.

What else is new with Rhys? 

He wore jeans for the first time today.  So cute.  Hopefully he doesn't outgrow them before we get a second wear out of them. 

He loves food.  He'll eat anything you put in his mouth.  He has a particular affinity for guacamole, rice chex and prunes. 

His desire for food is unfazed by the fact that he has no teeth.  Months of drool and not a tooth to show for it. 

He now has a company named after him.  Apparently, to employ a nanny you must have a business license.  So Brian and I are now the proprietors of RMW Ultra Mega Global Dynamic. 

He absolutely adores the cats.  They get a huge smile from him any time they walk by.  I can't speak for Brian, but I'm a little jealous.

That hair that I mentioned?  He loves to pull it at bedtime while drinking his bottle.  And he pulls it hard.  I try and distract his hand, but he's a man on a mission.

He's so cute.  I think I mentioned that, but it bears repeating. 

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