Sunday, August 12, 2012

Grandparents Galore

Rhys was a very lucky little boy this week.  Monday through Thursday he was with Katie our new, wonderful nanny.  Gramma and Grampa Wynne took care of him on Friday, and the weekend was spent with Grandpa and Grandma Adams visiting from Spokane: 

Rhys had a great time playing with Grandpa's hat. He tugged and pulled with all his might without concern for the fact that it was secured on Grandpa's head.  
The weather was beautiful so we hit the park.

Check out the difference in skin tones.  Grandma and Grandpa have gotten just a leeeetle more sun than Rhys this summer...   
The grandparents got to watch Rhys master his latest skill - standing up!  It is amazing how fast he figured that whole thing out.  It took him about three tries and he knew exactly what he was doing (he's still working on the descent).

Friday, as you all know because I won't let you forget, was my birthday.  Thursday night Rhys gifted me with a full night of sleep, which was absolutely lovely.  On Friday I came home to find this, which made my day:

I think Gramma and Grampa Wynne might have helped Rhys create this, but my baby is extremely talented so it's hard to know for sure.

My birthday was made complete by a delicious cake from Brian.  Each year, he makes me a cake that is a work of art.  Past pieces include a bicycle wheel, an iPod and a temple.  This year was a ring:

It tastes as good as it looks.
For awhile now I've wanted to get my engagement ring reset because the stone is loose in the setting so it always looks crooked.  Getting a new setting is Brian's gift to me, hence the cake.  Isn't he talented? 

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