Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Rhys has earned his first perfect score.  His head circumference is in the 100th percentile (48cm).  Some parents might be embarrassed by their pumpkin-headed kid, but we are proud since we're sure it's a direct reflection of the big ol' brain inside.  Brian and I have been discussing the right college savings vehicle for Rhys, but perhaps it's a moot point.  Perhaps he is a giant-headed/brained boy-genius who will earn a scholarship at whatever institution he chooses.  Just in case, I think we'll go ahead and set up the savings account (once we make a decision which, of course, will require further debate, analysis and discussion).

Other interesting stats from our 9-month check-up:

Weight:  20lb, 12.5oz (66th percentile)
Height:  28.74" (64th percentile).  Our wiggle worm pretty much refused to lie still for this measurement, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was off by an inch or two.
Vaccines:  None required - yay!  I was mentally prepared for at least three shots, so I was delighted to learn that the only poke required was a small jab to the toe to draw some blood.  Rhys didn't even notice.

All in all it was a great visit.  Rhys is healthy as a horse, growing and developing right on schedule.






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