Sunday, August 19, 2012

Ah, Summer

I'm embarrassed to admit that I've become a true Seattlelite.  The weather this past week was hot and sunny and I found myself thinking, on more than one occasion, that it was too hot and too sunny.  I guess the Texan in me was replaced by the mom who just wants the house to be cool enough for her baby (and herself) to sleep peacefully.

The weather this weekend was lovely.  Still quite warm, but not too hot, and we made the most of it.  On Saturday (happy 9-month birthday, Rhys!) we started the day with our weekend morning ritual.  6:30ish wake-up call, breakfast and bit of play at home and then off to the hospital.  That's right, the hospital.  We hit it for our Starbucks fix.  It's weird, we know, but it has become the perfect morning outing for us:  it's a short walk away, there's a nice big grassy area that we play in, and the ride home in the stroller chills out Rhys for his morning nap.

The weather was cool enough that we thought some sleeves for Rhys were warranted.  Thankfully we had this good-looking flannel from Auntie Sara and Uncle Steve.

Rhys is getting tougher every day.  He was crawling along the concrete like it was no biggie.

Pit stop for a kiss from mom.  This kid gets more kisses than he knows what to do with.

My boys.

Saturday evening was spent with Auntie Megan, Uncle Mike, cousin Norah and Gramma and Grampa.  We all had such a fun time and enjoyed a delicious steak dinner grilled outside by Uncle Mike.

Rhys loved Auntie Megan's earrings and necklace.  She generously let him play with them for quite some time.

Uncle Mike took a break from grilling for a quick photo opp.
Grampa and his two favorite grandchildren.
Gramma is the master of Patty Cake.  Rhys just laughs and laughs and laughs!

Sweet Norah did my hair for me.

On Sunday we went to Vashon take pictures of a cafe that had been broken into (Brian is prosecuting the case this week).  Yep, the Wynne weirdness continues.  Anyway, despite the strange motivation we had a great time.

That little white spot on the left is Rhys.  He's gotten over his fear of grass.  Nice work city-boy.
We popped into the library, mostly to use the restroom, but also checked out the kids section and found this awesome bear. 

The weekend wrapped up with a living room dance party.  It would seem that Rhys likes my music.  Sorry, Brian.  Nothing could make this mama happier.


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