Thursday, August 23, 2012


These last 10 pounds of baby weight REFUSE to leave my body and I am so frustrated.  I've never eaten so little in my life and yet the scale absolutely will not budge.  I will not give up.  I will be patient and have faith and if it's the last thing I do I will fit into my pre-baby pants again (even if it's the pre-baby fat pants).  ARGH.

Thank you for allowing me the rant.  Now on to the topic you all are interested in...Rhys!

Our nanny, Katie, is fantastic.  She's doing a great job with Rhys and we are so, so happy with the whole situation.  Our little man is keeping her on her toes as he is getting more mobile and stronger every day.  Today he attempted a pull on the table:

Look at him up on those tippy toes...sooooo close to seeing what's up there!

Today he also climbed up all the stairs (under Katie's watchful eye, of course) and tried to hide out in his exersaucer:

I'd say he's enjoying his time with Katie.  We sure are enjoying her.

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