Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I Do

I have fallen off the blogging band wagon.  Why, you may ask.  Is my child not cute enough to write about?  Heck no.  Am I too busy whipping up home-cooked meals for my husband?  No.  Am engrossed in some incredible, thought-provoking novel?  Nope.  Am I figuring out what I want to do with my career?  No (but I should be).  I haven’t been blogging because my few minutes of spare time have been sucked into the vortex of Netflix TV.  I wish I could say that it was at least “good” TV, but no.  I have spent more time than I care to admit watching Say Yes to the Dress.  For those of you who are unfamiliar it’s a show that features brides shopping for their wedding dresses.  Yep, that’s it.

The only reason I can give for my lame obsession is my still-alive disappointment over my own wedding dress purchase.  I loved the dress, but the store ordered the wrong size and it was a nightmare trying to get it all fixed (and it never really was quite right).  My true regret, though, is how I handled asking the store to correct their mistake.  I had every right to be ticked and demand they do whatever it took to make it right, but instead I was passive and meek and barely said a word.  My conflict avoidance tendencies run incredibly deep.    

Every year I ask Brian if he wants to renew our vows and every year (all four of them) he's said no.  I think he has a sneaking suspicion that it's not about renewing our commitment, but rather about the dress.  He's right.  Anyway, until he says yes and I can have a whole new dress buying experience, I will live vicariously through the Say Yes to the Dress brides.  They are neither passive nor meek and the dresses are gorgeous (and incredibly expensive).  

Lucky for you all our internet connection was not working well tonight so, though I tried, I was unable to download an episode.  As such, you get to see some cute pictures of our boy!

Rhys' first dip in Lake Washington.

Brian can't wait to take Rhys swimming.  If it's in a cold lake, that'll be a father-son event with Mama on the sidelines.

Getting ready to take dad out for a run.

Our nanny is on vacation this week so Rhys is getting some quality time with the 'rents.  Dad and Rhys went to visit Great-Gramma Grace on their day together. 

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