Sunday, June 2, 2013

Working Girl

As of last Monday, I rejoined the ranks of working moms.  My time off was wonderful.  I started my new job feeling relaxed and refreshed which was great.

And the verdict on the new job?  So far, so good!  The best part so far is that my boss seems great.  I have personally found liking ones boss to contribute about 80% to overall job satisfaction, so I'm psyched that we seem to be on the right track there. 

The second best part (so far) is that I love being a part of an organization with a social mission.  I was in a two-hour leadership meeting on my first day and, literally, I almost cried when one of the women was talking about the work her team was doing at one of Pioneer's adolescent homes.  I have no delusions that we (Pioneer) are going to save the world but it feels really good to at least be trying to help.  A whole lot better than trying to sell people more stuff.

Other cool things?  The commute is great and my boss is fine with a shifted schedule so I'm working 7:30 to 4:30, which means I am home by 5!  Two whole hours before Rhys' bed time.  I have an's small, but still.  There are NO nearby lunch places so I bring lunch which means I am saving money and losing weight.

So, all in all, it's been great so far.  I am excited to keep learning and, hopefully soon, start contributing.

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