Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Stud Muffin

I mentioned awhile back that I enjoy reading a blog written by a woman named Katy Bowman.  She's a human physics scientist who focuses on the mechanical causes of disease.  She also happens to be the mom of two very young children, so she often writes about human development.  Awhile back she posted about the importance of upper body strength and how most kids don't have the opportunity to develop it because of our modern lifestyle.  She then posted a video of her 16 month old hanging from some rings they had set up for him.  It was pretty cool, so we decided Rhys needed rings, too.

The video only shows him holding up his feet briefly, but off-camera he held them up longer.  I think his favorite part, though, is clapping for himself afterwards.  We didn't capture that on video, but he quickly got the hang of it once Mama, Dada and the neighbors were all giving him a big round of applause for his efforts.   


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