Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Oh, sleep! How do I love thee...

I haven't written much about sleep lately, mostly because all is well.  I am getting as much sleep as I need, which happens to be a little less this time of year thanks to all of the daylight.  However, lest anyone worry that I have abandoned one of my true loves, I wanted to relay this story:

Scene:  It's 2am, we're all asleep (of course).  A noise outside...sounds like gunshots.

My first thought:  Huh, what?  Were those gunshots?

Second thought:  Those punks better not wake my baby.

Third thought:  We'll deal with this in the morning.

Fourth thought:  Zzzzzz

That's right, hearing potential gunshots did not motivate me to get out of bed.  Oh, sleep...

This article made me feel really good about my love of sleep.


The cats love sleep even more than I do (well, I'm not sure they love it more, but they get more of it).  I glanced at the baby monitor the other day and saw this:

I honestly can't remember ever seeing either of them in Rhys' crib, neverind the two of them zonked out.  It was pretty hilarious.  (Note, Rhys was not in there.  He was downstairs with me while I was cooking dinner - that's right, I was cooking dinner.  Maybe this means Rhys is growing on them?!)

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