Tuesday, June 25, 2013


We went strawberry picking last Sunday.  Brian and I had a great time and Rhys seemed to enjoy himself, though we couldn't convince him to eat a strawberry for anything.  We knew to expect that; he'd been rejecting strawberries for a few days (despite the fact that they were sweet and delicious, being fresh from Brian's garden and all).  He eventually ate some that night with dinner and, lo and behold, he loved them!  Turns out Mama and Dada weren't trying to poison you, Rhys!  It was a good reminder for me that you just have to keep offering kids food.  New stuff is weird, you've got to make it not new.

As usual, we're making Rhys do the work.  We've got him convinced that work is fun.  It's awesome.

Hey, Dada, do you want me to keep taking the strawberries out of the box and putting them into the plants?

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