Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I've been really unmotivated to blog lately.  Ironically, it seemed to happen right around the time we got a second computer.  So I've had no excuses on that front.  Mainly I've just had the January/February blahs and not been feeling particularly creative.  Additionally, it continues to be quite difficult to get a good picture of Rhys due to his obsession with technology.  While I enjoy writing the posts, I know the real allure for our audience is pictures!

Well, today things changed.  Katie captured an incredibly cute picture that needed to be posted ASAP.

Thanks to Gramma and Grampa Wynne for the Valentine's Day shirt.  And, thanks to Dada for putting Rhys in it today (I never would have dreamed of breaking the rules in such a way).

So what else is new?  Well, we (me, Brian and the grandparents) all got some quality time with Rhys last week as Katie was on vacation.  On one of my days with Rhys, we went to a big yoga studio that turns itself into a play area for toddlers for a couple of hours a day.

Like all of the kids there, Rhys had a grand time playing on all of the stuff.  Rhys diverged from the other kids, though, when it came time to sit in a circle for songs.  I was astounded when I saw kids Rhys' age curl up in mom's lap to sing with the group.  Rhys pretty much never sits down and this day was no exception, regardless of what the other kids were doing.

Don't bother looking for Rhys.  He's not there.
These pictures aren't the greatest because, as usual, I had to be sneaky.  Even with all of this cool stuff around, as soon as Rhys saw my phone, that's all he wanted.  Rhys' tech love did serve me well, though, on the way home.  He was starting to fall asleep in the car, which I did not want as I wanted him to take a good long nap at home.  I rolled down the windows to keep him awake (yes, it was raining and yes I know it sounds mean) but it wasn't really working.  Heavy eyelids were taking over.  As soon as I handed him "his" phone (my old phone) he woke right up and played with it the whole ride home.

On our second day together we went to the local community center and played with some other kids and a bunch of cool stuff for the bargain price of $2.  Afterwards we came home and both took long naps.  You all know how happy that made me.

Last Sunday (another gray and rainy day) we went to Home Depot.  It seems strange, but it's actually a great store to let Rhys run around in, especially early on Sunday morning when there aren't many customers there.  On our way out we rang the bell, which won't mean much to you unless your name is Grandpa Tom.

What else?  Rhys graduated to a full size crib.  My sweet friend Annette gave us her crib as her 3rd (and final) child is ready for a real bed.  Her offer was out of the blue, but the timing was perfect as both Brian and I had independently noticed that Rhys was starting to seem awfully cramped in his sleeping quarters.  On his first night in the new crib he slept a full 12 hours and woke up in a great mood.  I'd say he was ready for the upgrade.  Thanks, Annette!

We've experienced a few "terrible two" tantrums, but generally Rhys is doing great.  He's really working on his communication skills.  Every day he seems to understand more and more of what we're saying.  He says words occasionally; most consistently he's able to tell us what a duck says (I promise to try and get a video of him saying "quack, quack" - it's super cute).

Alright, night-night for me.

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