Monday, February 18, 2013

AM Applesauce

Rhys is a dream to put to bed at night.  We read a couple of stories, sing a couple of songs and then put him in his crib and walk out.  That's it.  Oh, and it's generally somewhere between 6:30 and 7:00 so we have evenings to ourselves (usually to work, unfortunately).

Mornings, on the other hand, are rarely as pleasant.  We're getting accustomed to the early wake-ups, but the screaming is nearly unbearable.  It's not every morning but, man, when he wakes up unhappy and starts in, it just plain sucks.  It is SO LOUD it makes my ears hurt - literally.  Today was one of those days.

So, when life gives you lemons you make lemonade, right?  We made applesauce instead.  (At 6:15am on our day off.) 


For me, one of the most amazing parts of this video is that Rhys looks at the camera (phone) several times and not once starts whining for it.  That's highly, highly unusual.  This is more like it...

Playing with Mama is fun, but not as fun is the iPhone.

Grandpa came to visit from Spokane this weekend.  As he did last time, he let Rhys play with his digital camera.  Wow.  Grandkids really can get away with anything.   

Rhys: Look Grandpa, I'm touching the screen with my grubby little fingers that just finished dinner.
Grandpa: Awww, you're so talented and smart and cute!

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