Saturday, January 12, 2013

Frost and Friends

Anyone who read the Christmas post knows that Rhys received a most-excellent homemade pull-along dinosaur from Auntie Megan.  We realized when we got home that he had also received  a pull-along alligator from Uncle Ron.  (Note that Rhys later received the same alligator from Grandpa and Grandma Adams.  Given the duplication, they supported our desire to donate it, but we think of the alligator as being from all three people).  Given Rhys' love of these toys, we knew they'd be around for awhile and thus needed names.  We've been less than creative in naming Rhys' things - his lamb lovey is "Lamby", his stuffed raccoon is "Rocky", his Pooh bear is "Pooh" - you get the idea, so we wanted to step up our game.

After several days of brainstorming and debates, we landed on Vern for the dinosaur and Pete for the alligator.  I have no idea why it took several days of brainstorming and debates to come up with those...just our style I guess.

Anyway, why am I telling you all of this?  Well, today both Vern and Pete got to go on outdoor adventures.  This morning (while Mama got to sleep in until 9am!!) Brian took Rhys to Seattle U for some outdoor playtime.  We've found SU to be a great place for Rhys to run around, meet dogs and people, climb stairs, play in the reflection pool (not recommended) and generally have a fun time.   Today, Pete went along for the ride.

The first few seconds of this video are of Rhys struggling to get his hat off.  Despite it barely being 30 degrees out, he was, as usual, not a fan of the hat.  It's very surprising it ended up staying on. 


This afternoon, I took Rhys out for a walk with Vern.  There is no video of this because 1) I do not have a fancy phone and 2) Rhys was not walking Vern, I was.  So typical...beg for a dinosaur and then refuse to walk it. 

Alright, time to sign off.  It's Saturday night, so you know what that means.  Uh-huh, that's right, Brian needs the computer so he can work.

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