Tuesday, February 26, 2013

15 Months


Height - 32.5" (88th percentile)
Weight - 27lbs (92nd percentile)
Head circumferences - 19.6" (100th percentile)

The handout we get from our doctor at each well-baby check-up includes developmental milestones to look for over the next three months:

Walks or runs well - Check.  We encourage Rhys to walk a lot.  Whether outside for a stroll or out running errands, it's most likely that Rhys is walking.  We sometimes get funny looks from other parents (whose kids are in strollers) but it doesn't bother us in the least.  I've been reading a lot about the importance of walking for a child's development, so we encourage it whenever we can. 
Pushes or carries around large objects - Check.  Watching this in action cracks me up.  Rhys loves to try and pick things up that are half (or more) his size and he seems genuinely surprised when he can't do it.  In terms of pushing things, his latest favorite is the big ol' grocery cart.

Imitates parent activities - Check.  This has really come on strong the last couple of weeks.  I particularly enjoy his imitations of Brian putting in hair product and me chewing gum (without the gum of course).

Wants to do more than he can or should - Double check.  'Nuf said.  (How funny is it that this is a developmental milestone?)

Shares poorly - Half check.  (Again, what a funny milestone).  Rhys is actually a good sharer when he wants to be.  He's particularly generous when sharing food...except blueberries.  He'll reach out and get the blueberry nearly in your mouth and then quickly pull it away and eat it.  He thinks he's hilarious.  We do find it pretty darn funny.

In summary, our kid is huge and basically a genius.  Cheers!  :)  

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