Sunday, March 17, 2013

Dear Rhys

Dear Rhys,

It was really fun hanging out with you this weekend.  Which is good, because hanging out with you last weekend sucked.  You were crabby and I was crabby.  (Poor Dada).  At one point you threw yourself down on the sidewalk and had a little tantrum.  I would have loved to do the same.  Monday could not come soon enough.  Your mood did not improve based on the report from Katie that day.

You're figuring out that you don't always get what you want.  You're realizing that, contrary to the way you've been treated for the past 16 months, the world does not revolve around you.  Those are tough lessons.  I get it.  And I empathize.  Nonetheless, it stinks when you're cranky.  And it really, really stinks that you've found a new notch on your crying/shrieking volume dial.  Wow.  It is something else.

So, I am really glad we had a nice weekend together.  Yeah, you got pissed off here and there when things didn't go your way.  But for the most part you were in good spirits.  We went for walks.  We played at the park.  We met a few dogs.  We bought some Legos (that you couldn't care less about).  We made green smoothies.  Boy do you love your smoothies.  We tortured the cats.  Oh, wait, that was just you.  Poor cats.  We took good naps.  Oh, wait, that was just you.  Poor Mama.  We had fun.  Yep, both of us.

You don't say much other than "up" (which you say A LOT) but you have a few signs (milk and more) and you understand a ton.  You hand us our shoes when we ask.  Tonight you complied when I asked you to get a towel and wipe up the milk you'd spilled.  It is incredibly cool witnessing you learning and growing up.  I am so excited to have conversations with you.

Here are some random pics.  There would be more, but you continue to be obsessed with tech and refuse to let us take your picture without grabbing for the camera.    

In case you can't read see the shirt... "Kiss me I'm Irish".  Thanks Gramma and Grampa!


Close up.
You've been asleep for a couple of hours (yes, we still put you to bed at 7 even though it's light out) and now it's time for me to join you in dreamland.  Night, Boop.



P.S. Happy birthday to Mat, Grandma Donna and Shane!

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