Thursday, August 23, 2012


These last 10 pounds of baby weight REFUSE to leave my body and I am so frustrated.  I've never eaten so little in my life and yet the scale absolutely will not budge.  I will not give up.  I will be patient and have faith and if it's the last thing I do I will fit into my pre-baby pants again (even if it's the pre-baby fat pants).  ARGH.

Thank you for allowing me the rant.  Now on to the topic you all are interested in...Rhys!

Our nanny, Katie, is fantastic.  She's doing a great job with Rhys and we are so, so happy with the whole situation.  Our little man is keeping her on her toes as he is getting more mobile and stronger every day.  Today he attempted a pull on the table:

Look at him up on those tippy toes...sooooo close to seeing what's up there!

Today he also climbed up all the stairs (under Katie's watchful eye, of course) and tried to hide out in his exersaucer:

I'd say he's enjoying his time with Katie.  We sure are enjoying her.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Rhys has earned his first perfect score.  His head circumference is in the 100th percentile (48cm).  Some parents might be embarrassed by their pumpkin-headed kid, but we are proud since we're sure it's a direct reflection of the big ol' brain inside.  Brian and I have been discussing the right college savings vehicle for Rhys, but perhaps it's a moot point.  Perhaps he is a giant-headed/brained boy-genius who will earn a scholarship at whatever institution he chooses.  Just in case, I think we'll go ahead and set up the savings account (once we make a decision which, of course, will require further debate, analysis and discussion).

Other interesting stats from our 9-month check-up:

Weight:  20lb, 12.5oz (66th percentile)
Height:  28.74" (64th percentile).  Our wiggle worm pretty much refused to lie still for this measurement, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was off by an inch or two.
Vaccines:  None required - yay!  I was mentally prepared for at least three shots, so I was delighted to learn that the only poke required was a small jab to the toe to draw some blood.  Rhys didn't even notice.

All in all it was a great visit.  Rhys is healthy as a horse, growing and developing right on schedule.






Sunday, August 19, 2012

Ah, Summer

I'm embarrassed to admit that I've become a true Seattlelite.  The weather this past week was hot and sunny and I found myself thinking, on more than one occasion, that it was too hot and too sunny.  I guess the Texan in me was replaced by the mom who just wants the house to be cool enough for her baby (and herself) to sleep peacefully.

The weather this weekend was lovely.  Still quite warm, but not too hot, and we made the most of it.  On Saturday (happy 9-month birthday, Rhys!) we started the day with our weekend morning ritual.  6:30ish wake-up call, breakfast and bit of play at home and then off to the hospital.  That's right, the hospital.  We hit it for our Starbucks fix.  It's weird, we know, but it has become the perfect morning outing for us:  it's a short walk away, there's a nice big grassy area that we play in, and the ride home in the stroller chills out Rhys for his morning nap.

The weather was cool enough that we thought some sleeves for Rhys were warranted.  Thankfully we had this good-looking flannel from Auntie Sara and Uncle Steve.

Rhys is getting tougher every day.  He was crawling along the concrete like it was no biggie.

Pit stop for a kiss from mom.  This kid gets more kisses than he knows what to do with.

My boys.

Saturday evening was spent with Auntie Megan, Uncle Mike, cousin Norah and Gramma and Grampa.  We all had such a fun time and enjoyed a delicious steak dinner grilled outside by Uncle Mike.

Rhys loved Auntie Megan's earrings and necklace.  She generously let him play with them for quite some time.

Uncle Mike took a break from grilling for a quick photo opp.
Grampa and his two favorite grandchildren.
Gramma is the master of Patty Cake.  Rhys just laughs and laughs and laughs!

Sweet Norah did my hair for me.

On Sunday we went to Vashon take pictures of a cafe that had been broken into (Brian is prosecuting the case this week).  Yep, the Wynne weirdness continues.  Anyway, despite the strange motivation we had a great time.

That little white spot on the left is Rhys.  He's gotten over his fear of grass.  Nice work city-boy.
We popped into the library, mostly to use the restroom, but also checked out the kids section and found this awesome bear. 

The weekend wrapped up with a living room dance party.  It would seem that Rhys likes my music.  Sorry, Brian.  Nothing could make this mama happier.


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Grandparents Galore

Rhys was a very lucky little boy this week.  Monday through Thursday he was with Katie our new, wonderful nanny.  Gramma and Grampa Wynne took care of him on Friday, and the weekend was spent with Grandpa and Grandma Adams visiting from Spokane: 

Rhys had a great time playing with Grandpa's hat. He tugged and pulled with all his might without concern for the fact that it was secured on Grandpa's head.  
The weather was beautiful so we hit the park.

Check out the difference in skin tones.  Grandma and Grandpa have gotten just a leeeetle more sun than Rhys this summer...   
The grandparents got to watch Rhys master his latest skill - standing up!  It is amazing how fast he figured that whole thing out.  It took him about three tries and he knew exactly what he was doing (he's still working on the descent).

Friday, as you all know because I won't let you forget, was my birthday.  Thursday night Rhys gifted me with a full night of sleep, which was absolutely lovely.  On Friday I came home to find this, which made my day:

I think Gramma and Grampa Wynne might have helped Rhys create this, but my baby is extremely talented so it's hard to know for sure.

My birthday was made complete by a delicious cake from Brian.  Each year, he makes me a cake that is a work of art.  Past pieces include a bicycle wheel, an iPod and a temple.  This year was a ring:

It tastes as good as it looks.
For awhile now I've wanted to get my engagement ring reset because the stone is loose in the setting so it always looks crooked.  Getting a new setting is Brian's gift to me, hence the cake.  Isn't he talented? 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

So Cute

It's been a long week and I'm pretty tired, but I did think it was important to get on here and say this:  Damn our baby is cute!!  Watching him crawl makes me grin from ear to ear, as does hearing him babble.  His chubby cheeks are adorable, but it's his hair that has me swooning these days.  It sticks straight up pretty much all the time.  We call him our mad scientist.

What else is new with Rhys? 

He wore jeans for the first time today.  So cute.  Hopefully he doesn't outgrow them before we get a second wear out of them. 

He loves food.  He'll eat anything you put in his mouth.  He has a particular affinity for guacamole, rice chex and prunes. 

His desire for food is unfazed by the fact that he has no teeth.  Months of drool and not a tooth to show for it. 

He now has a company named after him.  Apparently, to employ a nanny you must have a business license.  So Brian and I are now the proprietors of RMW Ultra Mega Global Dynamic. 

He absolutely adores the cats.  They get a huge smile from him any time they walk by.  I can't speak for Brian, but I'm a little jealous.

That hair that I mentioned?  He loves to pull it at bedtime while drinking his bottle.  And he pulls it hard.  I try and distract his hand, but he's a man on a mission.

He's so cute.  I think I mentioned that, but it bears repeating.