Thursday, May 2, 2013

Who Are We?

Yesterday, Brian and I bought this:

We shopped for and bought a car ALL IN ONE DAY (just the morning, actually)!  So, so unlike us.  I'm still kind of in shock.  I'll need to drive to my new job so we knew we'd need a car by May 28th, my first day.  Given our propensity to analyze decisions, we decided we'd better start the process early.  We each took Wednesday off of work and went down to visit brother Pat in Enumclaw.  A few hours later I was driving home in our new-to-us Ford C-Max.

If you've never heard of the C-Max, join the club.  I hadn't either.  In our pre-shopping trip research we'd been focusing on the Ford Focus and Escape.  As soon as Brian sat in the Focus, though, we had to cross it off our list as he literally did not fit.  Before we looked at any of the Escapes our salesman showed us a "used" C-Max.  It's a pretty darn fancy hybrid...too fancy in fact for the previous owner who drove it ~300 miles and decided all of the bells and whistles were too much and brought it back.  Lucky us.
We test drove it, bought it and that was that.  Pretty cool and we're very pleased with our decision.               

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