Wednesday, May 22, 2013

18 Months

In case there was any doubt in your mind, Rhys is still huge.  Here are his 18 month check-up stats:

Weight - 29lbs, 2ozs (94th percentile)
Height - 34.5" (98th percentile)
Head Circumference - 51cm (100th percentile)

I feel completely justified by how tired my arms/body are after carrying him.  It's a good thing we started encouraging him to walk on his own early on. 

This picture is from the other day when Rhys and I went to the park (at 3pm on a sunny afternoon - have I mentioned how much I am enjoying my time off?!).  You'd never know it, but just a few minutes prior to snapping this pic, Rhys was having a royal meltdown because I wouldn't let him play on the playground toys while carrying/eating his snack.  I am the meanest mommy ever.  (And he's about the cutest boy ever). 

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