Sunday, May 26, 2013

All The Cute Things

Someone recently advised me to "write down all of the cute things that Rhys does" because I am sure to forget them.  I think I've documented a lot of cute things on this blog, but here's a post dedicated to even more of them!

For several of these, I have no photographic proof.  My written description will have to suffice for now.


Rhys is an open mouth kisser.  (I can't remember if I've blogged about this or not).  When you ask for a kiss, he opens his mouth as wide as he can and comes at you.  It is hilarious.  Brian and I welcome these slobbery shows of affection.  Our nanny gamely offers her cheek.  :)


Whenever the toaster oven timer goes off (ding!) Rhys immediately halts whatever he is doing and runs into the kitchen pointing at the toaster saying "oh, oh, oh, oh."  The boy loves his toast, whether it's doused in butter (if Dada is fixing) or topped with almond butter (when Mama is in charge).


Often when Rhys runs, he makes a noise that sounds to us like "wabawabawabawaba".  Basically, he's just letting sound come from his throat while his cheeks and lips flop around.  I must get video of this, I think it's *the* cutest thing he does.

Bus/Truck/Motorcycle Excitement

Busses, trucks and motorcycles elicit a level of excitement from Rhys that nothing else does (well, except maybe the toaster oven).  He makes a big O with this mouth and points and watches with great intensity.  On Friday, we went to the community center to play and on the way in we found some guys pouring concrete...way cool!

Whoa, Mama.  This is so cool.  I don't even care that you have your phone out to take my picture.

The other day, Rhys got to hang out in Uncle Pat's huge shop and play in one of the torn apart trucks.  Way, way cool. 

I'll drive us home, Dada!

Trash Collection

I don't know how cute this habit is, but it's worth documenting.  Rhys loves to pick up trash.  (I guess maybe he gets this from Brian?)  Most every time we're outside Rhys finds some garbage on the ground, picks it up while yelling "trash, trash" and then insists on taking it HIMSELF to the nearest garbage can.  Kinda gross, I know.  But what a good little citizen!


I know I am super biased but, seriously, Rhys is freakin' adorable. 

Awww, man, the paparazzi are here again...better get my shades on.

Not too many pics, Mama, I got places to go.

Look, Ma!  No shoes on the gravel.  I am one tough dude.

A RARE moment of sitting.  Clearly just wanted to be like Dada. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

18 Months

In case there was any doubt in your mind, Rhys is still huge.  Here are his 18 month check-up stats:

Weight - 29lbs, 2ozs (94th percentile)
Height - 34.5" (98th percentile)
Head Circumference - 51cm (100th percentile)

I feel completely justified by how tired my arms/body are after carrying him.  It's a good thing we started encouraging him to walk on his own early on. 

This picture is from the other day when Rhys and I went to the park (at 3pm on a sunny afternoon - have I mentioned how much I am enjoying my time off?!).  You'd never know it, but just a few minutes prior to snapping this pic, Rhys was having a royal meltdown because I wouldn't let him play on the playground toys while carrying/eating his snack.  I am the meanest mommy ever.  (And he's about the cutest boy ever). 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Seattle Kid

All you faithful readers know that I am off of work right now.  Last Friday was my final day at Nordstrom and I don't start my new job until May 28th.  Though I've been a little busier than I would like, I am loving my time off.  Our nanny is working part-time so I get some time to do my own thing (not to mention chores and errands) but still get some extra time with Rhys.  I could get used to this (our bank account could not). 

I've gone to yoga a couple of times and, wow, I am really out of shape.  I got home Wednesday and was desperate for a nap, but it was time for Katie to head home so there would be no nap for Mama.  It really frustrates me to be in the house when I want to nap but can't, so even though it was raining, Rhys and I headed out for a walk.  In true Seattle fashion, Rhys wore sandals, shorts and a rain jacket.  (Alligator Pete also joined us).


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

So Proud

Several months ago Grandpa and Grandma Adams got Rhys a jack-in-the-box toy.  At first he was scared of it, eventually he warmed up to it and now he owns that thing.  (Apologies for the video quality, it had to be taken surreptitiously, as usual).

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Who Are We?

Yesterday, Brian and I bought this:

We shopped for and bought a car ALL IN ONE DAY (just the morning, actually)!  So, so unlike us.  I'm still kind of in shock.  I'll need to drive to my new job so we knew we'd need a car by May 28th, my first day.  Given our propensity to analyze decisions, we decided we'd better start the process early.  We each took Wednesday off of work and went down to visit brother Pat in Enumclaw.  A few hours later I was driving home in our new-to-us Ford C-Max.

If you've never heard of the C-Max, join the club.  I hadn't either.  In our pre-shopping trip research we'd been focusing on the Ford Focus and Escape.  As soon as Brian sat in the Focus, though, we had to cross it off our list as he literally did not fit.  Before we looked at any of the Escapes our salesman showed us a "used" C-Max.  It's a pretty darn fancy hybrid...too fancy in fact for the previous owner who drove it ~300 miles and decided all of the bells and whistles were too much and brought it back.  Lucky us.
We test drove it, bought it and that was that.  Pretty cool and we're very pleased with our decision.