Monday, July 2, 2012

The News

Good News:  On Friday, we thought Rhys might be reacting to the antibiotics he was on for his ear infection so we took him back to the doc.  He wasn't.

Bad News:  The infection hadn't cleared and in fact his other ear was newly infected.  Today we think he might have pink eye.  This evening after I fed him he threw up all over both of us.

Frustrating News:  Rhys only got two 25 minute naps at daycare.  ARGH! 

Work News:  No news, actually, just a musing...pumping at work is such an odd thing.  One minute I am managing my team or talking to a VP (my boss) and the next minute I am half-undressed expressing liquid from my body while hearing several other women do the same thing.  It's so, so weird.         

Cleaner News:  We fired our house cleaners.  We tried anyway.  They kept screwing up the logistics of our appointments (when to come, where the key was, etc.) so I told them they we were cancelling our service.  And, true to the reason we cancelled, the message didn't manage to get from the front office to the cleaners, so they showed up and cleaned the house anyway.  This was a Friday afternoon and I got a call from them on Monday informing me that they'd "accidentally" cleaned the house.  As if we hadn't noticed a freshly cleaned house (and already called to inform them we wouldn't be paying)?!  I laughed out loud when she asked if we'd reconsider our decision to cancel.  Um, no. 

Brian News:  He is playing softball tonight.  Let's hope he comes home injury-free.

Summer News:  Summer is here.  We can't tell from the weather, of course, but the delicious fresh strawberries in the refrigerator courtesy of our CSA (community supported agriculture) box are proof enough.  Apparently strawberries are a potentially allergenic food for babies so we shouldn't give any to Rhys.  I can't wait to enjoy this pleasure with him, but for now I'm happy to have one less person with whom to share. 

Happy News:  Our little man is such a trooper.  Despite being sick for three solid weeks, he's still a happy little baby.  I can't remember when we filmed this footage but it was fairly recently, so he was sick.  You can see for yourself that it hasn't kept him down.

The Best News:  This sweet baby is ours!

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