Monday, July 16, 2012

Isn't it ironic...or is it?

Brian and I have an ongoing debate as to what qualifies as ironic.  I have a pretty broad definition (sufficiently unexpected does it for me) and he has a very narrow definition (I don’t know that he’s ever actually called something ironic).  So I’m sure he won’t agree that this situation was ironic, but I sure thought so.

On Friday night I forced Brian to stay at a hotel.  The months on months of sleep deprivation finally seemed to be catching up to him so I booked him a nice room.  He fought me hard (which, of course, is very nice) but I refused to take no for an answer and he finally relented.  So, the ironic part?  Yep, you guessed it… Rhys slept through the night.  He let out a couple of squawks around 2am, but other than that slept a solid 11.5 hours.  Brian got to sleep in later than he would have at home, so I’m still glad he went, but I laughed out loud when I woke up in the morning and realized what had happened.

In other news, Rhys is learning all kinds of new skills.  He’s so close to crawling, he can now push up to sitting from his belly, and can open drawers (yikes!).  Everyone says we will rue the day he becomes truly mobile, and I have no doubt they’re right, but I can’t help but to delight in each new movement and milestone.         

1 comment:

  1. Yeah Rhys!!!! Good job sleeping. You are a rock star! I agree, it is funny and ironic. I need to see this almost crawling soon.
