Monday, July 9, 2012

4th and 5th

I typically enjoy the 4th of July, but this year wasn't particularly great.  Rhys had an ear infection and pink eye and I was also feeling under the weather (thanks daycare!).  Our big adventure of the day was a quick trip to a nearby park.  

Rhys did fine with the fireworks as we had him completely ensconced in white noise.  I wasn't as lucky.  Despite going to bed early, it was a rough night being awoken several times by both the fireworks and Rhys.  

On July 5th Brian and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary.  My how our lives have changed since that day.  Rhys gave us a wonderful gift by taking a long nap at daycare (I'm a nap nazi and daycare has not been living up to my standards) and sleeping well that night.  

I certainly enjoy the pomp and circumstance of celebrating our anniversary (if exchanging cards counts as pomp and circumstance), but I really like that it doesn't feel that much different than any other day since I'm married to a man who makes me feel loved and appreciated every day.  

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary! (a bit late)
    I love that picture of you two.
    Glad the day was a good one.
