Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Where'd They Go?

We're here.  We've just been busy.  After extolling the virtues of work in my last post, I've been totally slammed and working every evening.  All of a sudden, staying home doesn't sound so bad.

We've also been ill.  Rhys got sick, then Brian and finally it was my turn this weekend.    

We're also tired.  Yes, Rhys is still getting up at night.  My colleagues are incredulous when I tell them this factoid.  I do not know why.  He is six months, not six years old.  Even the "cry-it-out" sleep book I have says that babies may legitimately need to eat once or twice per night until they are nine months old.  I am convinced that nobody actually remembers when their kid slept through the night.  The memory is wiped clean; it's the only possible explanation for second (and third and fourth) children.

We've also been stressed about Brian going back to work and Rhys starting daycare.  Ok, this is just me.  But, as we all know, when Mama's not happy, nobody's happy.  The good news is that Brian took Rhys to daycare on Monday for a few hours and all went well.  I still have my concerns and reservations, but that's just how I am.  (And I'm not going to apologize for it).

Despite the above, the family photographer has been hard at work capturing cute pics of our little one.  We call this series, YUM!

Rhys loves oranges!  It's impressive how much he can mangle a slice with just his gums (no teeth yet).

This picture implies a level of sippy cup skill that is not actually true.  Also, Rhys is not yet a fan of water.  You'd think there was lemon juice in there based on his facial expression after consumption. 

We like to let Rhys feed help feed himself.  This is the result.

Mmmmm, peas and rice!

Sweet baby.

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