Thursday, June 14, 2012

Laughs and Other Random Thoughts

Brian and I played catch in front of Rhys and he found it to be quite funny.  His laughter, of course, toned down once we started taping him, but you'll get the idea...

In less funny news, Rhys got sick again.  This time "just" a cold.  A gift from his new friends at daycare.  He slept horribly Sunday and Monday nights.  It was brutal, particularly as Monday was Brian's first day back at work.  He handled it with grace, as usual.

I wish Rhys could talk.  I really, really wished he could talk on Sunday night when he was so miserable and wouldn't sleep.  I wanted him to tell me what was wrong and be able to comfort him with my soothing words.  Instead, we comforted him with Tylenol.  We don't know if he was in pain, but at the very least, it seemed to calm him down.  Drugs are my friend.  I hardly recognize the woman who gave birth to Rhys unmedicated.  She has been replaced with a woman who has Vicodin and Percocet in the cupboard (for me, not Rhys) and gives her son Tylenol in an effort to get him to sleep.  

Daycare is going fine...for Rhys.  Mama's having a harder time with it.  I know it'll get better.  I am trying to be patient.  Patience is not my forte.

I am ridiculously out of shape.  This week I've been walking Rhys to daycare and then continuing on to work.  Two miles a day and my leg muscles are actually kind of sore.  So lame.  The forced exercise is one good thing about daycare.

Apparently, I am addicted to pumping.  I had every intention of stopping when Rhys turned 6 months old.  But I didn't.  I just can't seem to bring myself to stop.  Even though he's had formula and done fine with it.  Even though I believe it's the final key to my recovery from his delivery (hormone balance).  Even though pumping at work is huge time suck (haha) and pain in the a**.  Even though I recently pumped blood because I used too high of suction.  Even though...I just keep going.

Fairly often I've been taking a cab home from work as it's my quickest option and I need to be quick if I want to see Rhys before his 6pm bedtime.  My cabbie tonight drove like a bat out of hell and it was awesome.  Maniac cabbies are highly annoying...unless you're the passenger and they are getting you home to see your kid.

That's all for tonight, people.  Good night.

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