Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Limping Along and Cruising Forward

Apparently I angered the breastfeeding gods when I was so bold as to declare that I expected to make it to my one year goal. Since that declaration my milk supply has tanked (at the same time that Lorelei has decided to drink record amounts while I'm at work) and the little lady is getting one or two top teeth and has decided that I make a good teething toy (ouch!).  So now I feel like I'm just barely limping along and am not sure if I'll make it to tomorrow, nevermind May 26th.  We shall see...

In happier news, Lorelei is cruising (that is the baby-lingo word for walking while holding onto furniture or a walker).  Check it out:

I love how proud she is, I love how proud Brian is and I love how she falls down but gets right back up.  That's our girl.

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