Friday, September 26, 2014

Lorelei Milestone

This was my first week back to work and, of course, the little lady hit a major milestone while I was gone.  I captured it on film later.  Check it out...

Going back to work was definitely hard but it's been good.  I *really* need time away from my kiddos to really enjoy them when we are together.  

The week before I went back, I made a concerted effort to spend some quality time with Rhys.  Our special trip one morning consisted of a bus ride downtown, a doughnut and milk stop and a new toy from Magic Mouse.  

Selfie on the bus ride downtown.  The kid LOVES buses...not entirely sure why.
It's not too often he gets a doughnut and it's even more rare for Mama to buy it for him.  I enjoyed treating him.

I let him pick out one toy from the store and it took ages for him to decide.  He ended up choosing a forklift.  I'm pretty sure he's going to be a general contractor when he grows up.
These pictures have nothing to do with this post, but they're cute so I wanted to share them!

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