Wednesday, November 12, 2014

New Digs

So, we moved.  With the generous help of family and friends, and a ton of work by Brian, we managed to pack up the contents of our townhome and move our little family of four to our spacious new house.  

Executing a move in the midst of an already busy, sleep-deprived life is not something I would recommend, but I sure am glad we did it.  I was beyond ready to get out of our townhouse.  I know it’s a first-world problem, but being crammed in 950 square feet day after day with an extremely energetic toddler was more than my introverted, need-some-space-for-me, self could handle. 

The journey to find our new house was long and, at many times, frustrating.  We wasted too much time with a sub-par real estate agent that we should have fired long before we did.  We considered building a modular home from scratch.  We considered moving out to Snoqualmie.  We considered buying a fixer-upper and doing a 9+ month remodel.  Towards the end I was so worn out that I was about ready to settle for any 3 bedroom house.  I had resigned myself to the idea that we would find a house that would be fine, but it certainly wouldn't be something I loved.

I am so glad I was wrong.  I truly love our new house.  There’s more space than we know what to do with and it thrills me!  This is a house we can grow into.  I can see the kids having sleepovers with their friends.  I can see the basement being a good place for teenagers to hang out.  I can see taking a shower at night without worrying about waking up the kids (oh, wait, that’s already happening!). 

The neighborhood is fantastic too.  It’s quiet.  There’s seems to be lots of families with kids.  We’ve met a few folks and they are kind and welcoming.  

We've only been here a little over a week and, of course, are still getting settled in but it’s very much feeling like home.  

You can't tell from this picture because he's on his union-mandated snack break, but Rhys was a great helper during the move.  The kid is a very hard worker.

Uncle Coco used his geometry skills to figure out how to fit everything in the U-Haul.

Lorelei found the move to be exhausting.  This is her third nap of the day.
This is a 10-minute walk from our new house.  Pretty awesome.
Me and the kiddos out for a walk in our new neighborhood.

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