Monday, July 7, 2014


Yesterday I ventured to the grocery store with Lorelei in tow.  She's such a chill baby I had no concerns about making the trip with her.  I figured I'd just leave her in her car seat, put the seat in the cart and be on my way.  Great plan, right?  Apparently not as I could not get her car seat to sit right in the cart.  I swear I've seen other people do it, but it just did not work with our car seat. 

I was tempted to leave, but we really needed groceries so I decided just to carry the little lady.  I've carried her a lot out on walks (my weight loss plan) so I figured I could do it.  And I did.  It wasn't too bad, though I was pretty tired by time I went to check out. 

So as they ring me up I'm standing there just kind of gazing off into space trying to gather my energy when I hear the checker ask for my ID.  Seriously?  It's Sunday morning, I am 34 years old, carrying a 6-week old baby in my arms, looking tired and haggard and you're carding me?  Um, ok. 

I did not have my ID.  It's kind of hard to carry a purse and a baby so I'd just stuck my credit card in my pocket.  When I reported the lack of ID the checker replied "ok, I'll let it go but you really need to make sure you have it when you buy beer."  Ok, lady will do.  Next time I have to carry my newborn through the grocery store I'll try and remember my ID.  Thanks.

It's completely unrelated to this story, but I know you want a picture of Lorelei so here you go.  It's about a week old. She looks way more mature now.

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