Saturday, July 19, 2014

4th of July

Because I am now old and crotchety, I kind of hate the 4th of July.  I despise the fireworks going off ALL NIGHT LONG when I'm trying desperately to get some sleep.  This year's 4th of July night was no different (i.e. I hated it) but the day was awesome as we hung out with the Westbys.  Rhys had a fabulous time.  Good friends, cool toys and fire.  What more could a boy want?

Rhys and Calder in the Jeep.  They said they were going to Portland...or Alaska.

Me and my babe.  She's going to have her work cut out for her someday, keeping up with all of the boys, but I have no doubt she'll be up for the task.  In the meantime, she's excelling at her jobs - eating, pooping and sleeping.

Shane helping Rhys light a firework.  At this moment, Shane skyrocketed to the top of Rhys' "favorite people" list.

Such focus.  Such concentration.  Why can't he be like this when we're asking him to do stuff at home?!

The thing got pretty smoky which made Rhys love it even more.
Father daughter bonding time.

We forgot to put Rhys in the flag shirt he received from Nana and Papa.  Ooops.  Rhys is saying "cheese" for the picture but he's stuck on the "ch" part instead of the "eese" part.
Rhys and Calder are attempting to give the thumbs up sign.
Picking raspberries.  Camp Westby has everything!

Playing a little football...

...and a little basketball.  Seriously, Camp Westby has everything.  We intend to invite ourselves back very soon, this time for an overnighter!

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