Friday, August 21, 2015

Pillow No More (Almost)

I've mentioned her on this blog before, but I have to give another shout out to biomechanist Katy Bowman.  I've been doing her corrective exercises and implementing some of her suggested lifestyle changes for several years, as a means of dealing with my pelvic floor issues.  I don't wear positive-heeled shoes, I try and walk as much as possible and sit in a chair as little as possible and, now, I'm almost done transitioning to sleeping without a pillow.  All of these things have helped me (and my pelvic floor) more than any of the traditional (and useless) advice provided by docs.

I'm super excited about the no pillow transition because I have experienced a lovely increase in the range of motion in my neck and a significant reduction in the amount of neck pain.  It's pretty neat that something I do while sleeping (my favorite activity) has helped me feel really good during my waking hours.

Here's a link to her original blog post about the topic.  It's a great read.  

And, another post about other things that "cast" our body:

Mom, how can you write a post about the importance of free range of motion after having stuffed me in this restrictive life jacket last week?  Not cool.  Not cool at all.

PS - I know you're just posting this pic of me so people will read your post.  I get it.  And I am fine with it.  I understand my role.

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