Monday, December 1, 2014


Two weeks ago was Rhys' 3-year check-up and today was Lorelei's 6-month check-up.  The long and short of it is that they are both healthy but one is giant and one is tiny. 

I don't have Rhys' stats in front of me, but he is in the 95th-ish percentile for both height and weight.  He weighs about 43 pounds and is wearing 4T, sometimes 5T, clothes.  He is a big boy.

Lorelei weighs 15 pounds.  She has dropped to the 26th percentile for weight but is holding steady at the 87th percentile for height.  She is a petite lady.

It would seem in the nature vs nurture debate, nature is winning on on this one. 

It's probably a very good lesson for me to have the two of them be so different.  They are who they are, regardless of me and my efforts to control the situation. 

Our burly bear cub looking an awful lot like his Uncle Coco.
Maybe she'd gain some more weight if some of the food actually went in her mouth.

What she lacks in stature she makes up for in cuteness.

This girl melts my heart.

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