Friday, September 26, 2014

Lorelei Milestone

This was my first week back to work and, of course, the little lady hit a major milestone while I was gone.  I captured it on film later.  Check it out...

Going back to work was definitely hard but it's been good.  I *really* need time away from my kiddos to really enjoy them when we are together.  

The week before I went back, I made a concerted effort to spend some quality time with Rhys.  Our special trip one morning consisted of a bus ride downtown, a doughnut and milk stop and a new toy from Magic Mouse.  

Selfie on the bus ride downtown.  The kid LOVES buses...not entirely sure why.
It's not too often he gets a doughnut and it's even more rare for Mama to buy it for him.  I enjoyed treating him.

I let him pick out one toy from the store and it took ages for him to decide.  He ended up choosing a forklift.  I'm pretty sure he's going to be a general contractor when he grows up.
These pictures have nothing to do with this post, but they're cute so I wanted to share them!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Kid Pics

Ahhh, I have so much to say right now.  Thoughts on motherhood, sleep deprivation, tiny houses, etc.  But, that'll all have to wait as my to-do list today is quite long.  In the meantime, here are a couple of cute pictures of our kids.

Rhys got this awesome fanny pack from Debra (Katie's partner).  He loves it.  Doesn't it look like he's ready for kindergarten?!
It's ridiculous that we haven't done a birth announcement for Lorelei yet.  I was in a much worse place after Rhys' birth and yet still managed to get announcements in the mail.  My main holdup is that I don't have any great pictures of her.  I attempted a little photo shoot the other day and a photographer I am not.  So, I decided these aren't announcement-worthy, but they are good enough for the blog.   

Strike a pose.

Love, love, love her hair.

She has the absolute best smiles.

I am not kidding, they are the best.

In case you couldn't tell, I love her smiles.