Sunday, April 20, 2014

Uncle Coco

Uncle Carl (aka Uncle Coco) came to visit recently.  It was a surprise visit which fun for everyone, especially Brian.  I mean Rhys.  No, I really do mean Brian.

We did our normal weekend routine which involves early wake-ups, walks, playing, etc. and thoroughly wore Uncle Coco out.  I think he needed the rest of his spring break to recover.

Rhys never looks more pained than when you ask him to smile for a picture.  So, you can't tell it here, but he was having an incredibly fun time with Uncle Coco.

Just chillin' at Starbucks.

Rhys convinced Coco to pick him up about 10 times.  Way more than Mama and Dada would have ever done.  No wonder Coco was the favorite.

Imitation.  The greatest form of flattery.

We managed to capture a real smile from Carl!  I think he was dreaming of his imminent return home for some R&R...

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