Sunday, April 20, 2014

35 Weeks

Hmmm, what to say?  Well, I am very pregnant.  What else is there to say?

I have officially hit the phase of pregnancy where EVERYONE wants to comment about it.  I am trying to just be chill about it, but it does get a little old, particularly with my colleagues who I see every day.  Anyway, it is what it is and the countdown is on!  5(ish) weeks to go...

Rhys refused to join me in the outdoor pictures because he was too busy behind the "camera."  He decided that since Dada wouldn't let him use the real camera, he'd make-believe with the calculator.

You can't see it very well but he's trying very hard to close one eye, just the way Dada does when he is taking pictures.

And here he is showing me the fruits of his efforts.

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