Sunday, April 20, 2014


We recently had Nana and Papa over to celebrate Nana's birthday.  It was a very, very fun day that culminated in the enjoyment of one of Brian's creative, delicious cakes.  (A little too delicious for this pregnant lady.  I have absolutely zero willpower when it comes to sugar right now, so a lot of this cake had to go in the garbage.) 

As usual, designed and executed without anything other than his own imagination and skills.

Careful, now.  I don't know if me or Rhys would have been more upset if we didn't get to eat some of that cake!

Rhys is not the best candle-blower-outer.  A fair amount of spittle ended up on the cake which, fear not, in no way affected its deliciousness.

Bike Stud

In the last two weeks Rhys has really mastered his balance bike.  He is quite a stud, if I do say so myself.

Uncle Coco

Uncle Carl (aka Uncle Coco) came to visit recently.  It was a surprise visit which fun for everyone, especially Brian.  I mean Rhys.  No, I really do mean Brian.

We did our normal weekend routine which involves early wake-ups, walks, playing, etc. and thoroughly wore Uncle Coco out.  I think he needed the rest of his spring break to recover.

Rhys never looks more pained than when you ask him to smile for a picture.  So, you can't tell it here, but he was having an incredibly fun time with Uncle Coco.

Just chillin' at Starbucks.

Rhys convinced Coco to pick him up about 10 times.  Way more than Mama and Dada would have ever done.  No wonder Coco was the favorite.

Imitation.  The greatest form of flattery.

We managed to capture a real smile from Carl!  I think he was dreaming of his imminent return home for some R&R...

35 Weeks

Hmmm, what to say?  Well, I am very pregnant.  What else is there to say?

I have officially hit the phase of pregnancy where EVERYONE wants to comment about it.  I am trying to just be chill about it, but it does get a little old, particularly with my colleagues who I see every day.  Anyway, it is what it is and the countdown is on!  5(ish) weeks to go...

Rhys refused to join me in the outdoor pictures because he was too busy behind the "camera."  He decided that since Dada wouldn't let him use the real camera, he'd make-believe with the calculator.

You can't see it very well but he's trying very hard to close one eye, just the way Dada does when he is taking pictures.

And here he is showing me the fruits of his efforts.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Can you say smell?

When it snowed here awhile back I noticed that Rhys said "snow" in a really funny way.  He kind of dropped the "s", but not totally.  It was almost a guttural "s".  The other day I wanted to test if he did that with other words and sure enough he did.  The funny part, though, was when I asked him to say smell he didn't/wouldn't say it, he just sniffed.  We tried again the other day and got the same hilarious result!

In addition to the comedy, I love this video because it captures Rhys in a rare moment of snuggling.  He was running a fever and was much more docile and cuddly than usual.  Some of me felt bad that he was under the weather, but most of me just loved the snuggles!!