Monday, November 18, 2013


Today was Rhys' second birthday.  We had a really fun little party for him on Saturday, which I will post about later.  Today Brian and I both took the day off of work so we could hang with our little man.  (Well, I took most of the day off.  I had to go in from 8 to 9:30 for a pseudo-important meeting.)

Events of the day...

Exchange too-small but very-cool M's hat from Auntie Dawn and Uncle Pat:

Go to doc for 2-year check-up:


Weight - 35lb (98th percentile)
Height - 36" (88th percentile)
Head circumference - 52cm (99th percentile)

Take naps:

:)  :)  :)  :)

Play in the rain:


 Eat special treat for dinner:

All-in-all, an excellent day.  

Happy birthday, Rhys.  We love you so very, very much.

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