Saturday, August 10, 2013

Family Weekend Part 1

Last weekend Rhys had six adults doting on him - Mama, Dada, Auntie Audrey, Auntie Sara, Grandma Ann and Uncle Carl.  He was in hog heaven.  We didn't do anything extraordinary, but it was a lovely time.

I'm pretty tired tonight (I'm now 34), but luckily I don't have to write a long post as our resident documentarian (Auntie Audrey) took lots of great photos.

The man of the hour (and day and weekend).

UncCa!  The man of the hour from Rhys' perspective.  Uncle Carl was the clear favorite of the weekend.

Auntie Audrey was mostly behind the camera so this is only one of two pics with her in it.  Too bad Rhys wasn't more cooperative, but of course he wanted to be behind the lens...

...which Auntie Audrey let him be quite often.  The kid needs to learn that putting his finger in the shot doesn't help frame his subject.
This photo opp brought to you by Rhys' commands to "sit, sit!"  Note Brian's attire.  That's the result of his lost bet with Uncle Carl.  He had to wear it all weekend.

Of course we asked Rhys to show off his hanging skills, which he was more than happy to do with such an engaged audience at the ready.

It didn't seem like we were going to have great weather, but Seattle summer came through for us, so we took ourselves to the beach!  (Beach is one of Rhys' favorite words.  When he first started saying it, it sounded an awful lot like b*tch.  We're grateful it now sounds like beach.)

Grandma Ann with four of her babies.

I'm not sure how we convinced him to leave his adoring fans and take a walk with us, but we did and it was nice.

Check me out!

Happy is one of Rhys' latest words.  He can say it and sign it.  I think he was feeling pretty happy at the beach.

At some point, UncCa had some important business to attend to.

Buy!  Sell! Fire that guy!  Get me a flight today!

A rare, rare snuggle moment captured on film!

Still wearing the jersey...

Who needs a license when you're this cute?

A lovely, final, family photo.

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