Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Three Shifts

For the past month or so, I've been working three shifts.  Shift one - work at office.  Shift two - make dinner, feed dinner, put kid to bed.  Shift three - work at home until bed.  Brian has been working three shifts for a lot longer than a month.  It doesn't seem to bother him too much.  It bothers me a whole lot.  I do not like turning over my life to work.  So, while I have work to do right now, I'm ignoring it because it's been far too long since I've given a Rhys update.

The last few weeks he's definitely been experiencing the "word explosion" that our pediatrician promised at his 18-month check-up.  Hearing new words come out of his mouth every day is so fun.  Admittedly, I'm also excited because I am hopeful that more words will mean less screaming.  (I don't know what I did in a previous life to deserve a car-screamer in this life).

As it has been for awhile now, Rhys' receptive language is amazing.  He absolutely knows what we're talking about 99% of the time.  It is so cool.

Rhys loves imitating everything we do.  From flossing his teeth, to putting away clean laundry to cooking dinner - he wants to do it all.

Not only does he want to do what we do, he wants to do it all by himself.  This kid is Mr. Independent.  He recently started climbing up into his high chair on his own and he is one ticked-off dude if you try and lift him up there instead of just asking him to do it.

He's also getting a little bossy in his old age.  His favorite "command" now is to pat the chair (or ground or whatever) and say "sit, sit."

We often forget how young Rhys really is because he's such a big boy.  At the park this past weekend there was another boy there who was just a couple months younger, but quite a bit smaller.  The two boys hugged each other (which was so freakin' cute) and because he doesn't realize his strength, Rhys' side of the hug turned into a tackle.  Picture two little boys embraced and then they topple over like a tree falling, Rhys on top.  So, so funny.       

Last Friday, Rhys went on his first rides!  My company "picnic" was at the Family Fun Center in Tukwila and boy did we have fun.  Rhys rode the carousel and airplane ride.  He loved them both.

I'd wave, Mama, but somebodys gotta fly this thing.

The weather has been so gorgeous. We've enjoyed lots of walks.  Rhys is usually just go-go-go, but one recent morning he needed a lift from Dada and a little rest time.

Ah, just what I needed.
Speaking of rest time, it's time for me to hit the hay.


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