Saturday, April 20, 2013

First Haircut

As the title of this blog gives away, Rhys had his first haircut today.  Sitting isn't one of Rhys' best skills, so we weren't really sure what to expect.  Fortunately, the stars aligned and all was well.  We went to a fun place that had a cool car to sit in, the lady who cut his hair was great and when the little man got fussy, the iPhone was an excellent distraction.

Alright, it's cool that I'm sitting in this car, but I'm suspicious.

Not too much off the back, the ladies love my locks!

Mama, Dada - am I looking good?

Two handsome boys

In other news, Rhys has been quite the mama's boy lately.  He's been heavily favoring me which, of course, is really crummy for Brian.  The boys went out for some bonding time sans Mama and it would seem that Brian tried to win Rhys over by letting him drive.

You're my favorite now, Dada!

And, finally, I wanted to share this picture that our nanny took.  Our nanny is awesome and we absolutely love her for many reasons, one of which is that she gets the best pics of Rhys.  She's a quick draw on her phone, a skill that I have yet to master.

Hi Mama and Dada!  Sorry you're at work.  Katie and I are having a grand time!

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