Sunday, December 9, 2012

What a Week

Rhys was a generous little boy this week and shared his illness with me, Gramma and Grampa and our nanny.  Down like flies, one by one.  Brian, thank goodness, remained unscathed. 

There was a lot of puke in our house this week and it's frustrating because some of it could have been avoided.  We called the pediatrician on Monday morning after Rhys got sick for the third time and we got some standard advice...small sips of clear liquids, no solid food until after 8 hours of no vomiting, etc.  All fine and dandy, but it would have been nice if they'd mentioned what the doctor told Brian when he took Rhys in on Thursday (b/c he puked twice on Wednesday) - "no milk or dairy products for a week or so.  A stomach bug like this tends to make babies lactose intolerant."  Hmmm, well, wish we hadn't given him a bottle of milk prior to coming here.  The doctor said he wouldn't be surprised if that came back up within the next 24 hours and, sure enough, when Rhys started crying at 4am on Friday morning we found his crib covered in vomit.  (For those who are wondering, avoiding rolling in ones own vomit is apparently not an natural instinct.  So, yes, Rhys was covered in vomit too.  Bath time...)

Really early morning wake up calls and taking care of a sick kid are not what the doctor ordered for my own speedy recovery, so I'm still on the mend.  I feel a lot better than I did a few days ago, but still don't have much of an appetite.  Which brings me to one of two bright spots of the week...vomiting, diarrhea, and not eating for five days are all it took for me to finally lose those last couple of pounds of baby weight!  So easy, why didn't I try it sooner?!  (Or not)

The second bright spot of the week is literally bright.  My birthday gift from Brian was to get the sapphire of my wedding ring reset in a new band.  The old band didn't hold the stone properly so it was often loose.  We ordered the ring over a month ago and it finally came in this week...when I was home sick.  So, Brian fought through Friday night holiday traffic to pick it up for me and it made my week.  It is sparkly and stunning and I love it.

Oh, and in non-vomit related news, Rhys sent his first text this week.  He was playing with my phone and somehow managed to send Brian a text.  Blank, but a message nonetheless.  So, if any of you get a blank or jibberish message from my phone, you can assume it's from Rhys (or, if it's past his bedtime, you can assume I'm on my third glass of wine).  

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