Sunday, December 16, 2012

Recovered, Finally

It took awhile but we are all healthy again.  My recovery took a circuitous route via a hive breakout, an ER visit, Benadryl (IV and oral), a 1am walk through our not-so-safe neighborhood and very little sleep.  Oh, and some nasty cold sores.  Somehow I made it through and am healthy again.  Whew.  That was not fun.

Once we all felt better, it was time to deck the halls.  Brian wanted a tree and while I agreed it would have been fun, I really wasn't excited about keeping Rhys away from it for the next three weeks.  So we compromised with a swag:

Yes, that's a monkey on top.  Brian loves monkey and works them into our household whenever possible.

Rhys and Dada went to get the swag so Mama could take a much needed nap.  I was sorry to miss out but thoroughly enjoyed a nearly 2-hour rest.

The father/son outing also included a trip to Home Depot.  Brian needed to buy a special tool in order to install locks on some of our smaller drawers.  Brian is the most capable person I know and yet installing locks has proven to be quite a task.  Hopefully this special tool, whatever it is, will make it easier.

Hey Dada, I'd be happy to help you as soon as we get home!

 We're going to visit Santa sometime this week.  I've been wondering how Rhys will react, not to Santa so much as to the camera.  He is so obsessed with all technology and immediately gets ticked when he's not allowed to hold/grab/chew/play with it.  I was encouraged when, this morning, Brian decided to take some pics of the little man in his WSU jersey and there wasn't too much whining.

Go Cougs!

Awwww, big hug for Mama.

What are you looking at?

Come on, Mama, let's go play.

Rhys absolutely adores cats and dogs.  Every time he sees one he just wants to wrap him/her up in a big bear hug.  Our friend's 100lb black lab handles the love well, as does Uncle Pat and Auntie Dawn's much smaller Boston terrier Norman.  Our cats are less enthused, but Elliott does pretty darn good.  I think he and Rhys have a pact - Rhys gets to hug Elliot as long as Rhys throws food on the floor for Elliott.     

Elliott is very gentle, but does let Rhys know when he's being too rough.

Rhys:  "I love you Elliott!"  Elliott:  "You better throw me some food later, kid."     

Baby no more, Rhys is definitely a toddler.  He's walking all over the place now and is looking sturdier by the day.     

Watch out, world, here I come.


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